Department Of Public Works Applications:

ATTENTION DPW DIEHARDS! Deadline was 15 Dec 2024, but we've got your back. The form's open for another month for all the late legends and top-notch talent.

Fair Warning

The AfrikaBurn Department of Public Works (DPW) is an incredibly hard-working on-site crew. We live on Quaggafontein in the Tankwa Karoo for around two months, setting up and breaking down the AfrikaBurn event. The conditions can be harsh, the work is very tough, the food is fantastic, and the people are incredible. Being a part of DPW is an experience that is guaranteed to change your life. If you aren't keen to have your life changed for the better, please do not apply. Once your application has been accepted and approved, you must commit to 2 or more full weeks on the DPW crew (excluding the event week) to qualify for a DPW crew ticket. You will also have a small amount of daily duties as part of the DPW crew during the event.

About You

What name do you like to go by - this is referred to as a 'Playa Name' at other regional events?
For stuff like insurance and contracts, etc.
Where you currently reside
Where you currently reside
Don't be shy, now is the time to name-drop.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
We need your photo so we can see who you are, print badges and verify identities. You can check out our privacy policy at the foot of this page, and rest assured the only people who will access this information are other members of DPW (should you be selected) and anyone who supports your application process.
This will not adversely affect your application - it helps us cater and create a better home and working environment out in the dust.
It is important for us to know, so that we can draw up a suitable medical plan for you. The nearest hospitals are at least a 4 hour bumpy drive away from the AfrikaBurn site.


The first 'main crew' shuttle is expected to leave on the 29 March 2025. From HQ.
Last of the main crew is expected to leave on the 25 May 2025.

DPW and You

Give us an idea of your role, what you enjoyed most, anything you struggled with? Please also give us a name or two as references
First aid? Yoga? Landscaping? Lifeguard training? Penguin handling? Disaster impact assessment?
(What do you enjoy brah?)
The more information you can add here, the better!
i.e. no Facebook, Instagram or YouTube videos. No Netflix, Pornhub or Tinder either.
*note: if you have shared sensitive medical or mental health information, this will remain confidential and shared only with the necessary team members.
If you know, you know.
Serious answers only!